الصفحة الرئيسية - -

The Pathology and  poultry diseases department was established in 2007, a science that concerns the study of diseases is a specialty related to the study of diseased animal tissue unlike clinical pathology that concerns the study of body fluids and individual cells, including blood.

Anatomical pathology is essential for understanding the causes and clinical disease and the development and treatment of the disease. The section includes pathology professors who teach the theoretical and practical subject of pathology to students.


 Poultry disease is the science of studying the distribution and ingredients of disease (infectious and non-infectious) and its rate of recurrence in poultry. Infectious diseases include: bacterial diseases, viral diseases, fungal diseases and parasitic diseases (first parasites such as coccidian, includes worms and external parasites). Non-communicable diseases include food deficiency diseases such as calcium or magnesium deficiency, genetic diseases in addition to studying chemical poisoning diseases.

Fish Disease The students in this material are taught to breed, feed and various fish diseases in terms of their causes, types and severity (diseases caused by bacterial, viral or even fungal infections) as well as the definition of fish parasites in addition to the death caused by water or food pollution by urban waste and industrial pollutants.



     Head of Department

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Sami Jarad

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